L. Dawn Christian, DDS
71 Valley Street, Ste. 101
South Orange, NJ 07079

Experience the Joy of Having Teeth Again!

Dental Implants
Missing Teeth? Trouble Chewing?

Problem solved! You don’t have to go on suffering with the embarrassment and chewing difficulties caused by missing teeth. 

The Advantages of Dental Implants:

  • Implants look and feel just like natural teeth

  • Chew the foods you love again!

  • Smile confidently, especially if replacing a front tooth!

  • Replacing missing teeth prevents further bone loss in that area

  • Replacing missing teeth helps better your overall health

It’s time to do something for yourself!
Schedule a consultation today!  

  • MON: 8AM – 5PM
  • TUES – 9AM – 6PM
  • WED – 8AM – 5PM
  • THUR – 10AM – 7PM
  • 1st & 3rd FRI – 9am – 2pm
  • 2nd & 4th SAT – 8 am – 2pm
  • Same-Day Emergency
    Appointments Available!

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Our Patients Love their Dental Implants!

“I can smile now!”

“No more missing teeth!”

“Recommended to everyone”

“3 Implants — very happy!”

“They have great expertise”

“You can’t even see it!”

Find out if Dental Implants are right for you!  Call 973.761.4800

From Our Doctors: What You Need to Know

Why are we so concerned about tooth replacement?

Everything we, Dentists, do is for your mouth to be a biologically stable, functional part of your body. The results look good, but that isn’t our primary purpose. Replacing teeth is a vital part of helping ensure good overall health.  We like to say: “Your Mouth really is attached to your body.”

Each tooth can almost be considered to be a separate organ: it has its own blood and nerve supply.  They have 2 responses: proprioception whereby the nerve fibres let the brain know which tooth is sending a signal, and the pain response which is how the patient can say “this tooth hurts”.

How are teeth lost?

  1. We may not be able to restore them because of fracture, a failed Root Canal or extensive decay.
  2. Periodontal Disease or gum disease can damage bone around teeth, loosening them until they have to be removed.  Sometimes they come out on their own!
  3. The permanent tooth may be missing so when the baby tooth falls out, there is a space.
  4. Traumatic injury to the mouth or jaw area.
  5. People may be unaware that teeth can be fixed and saved, so allow them to be extracted instead.

L. Dawn Christian, D.D.S.

Why should you replace missing teeth?

The sole purpose of teeth is to chew food to provide nourishment for our bodies. 

  • If you can’t chew properly, you are restricted to a certain foods, usually soft foods, this can create other     health problems as soft foods are usually starchy and devoid of fibre and other nutrients.  
  • Chewing stimulates the digestive process and gets the stomach ready for digestion. Today we are     encouraged to eat a wide variety of foods, especially fibrous and crunchy, to keep the digestive tract healthy,  
  • The teeth and jaws have a special role in our skeletal system. Our  lower jaw isn’t attached to the skull; it hinges open and closed by a joint called the TMJ, or Temperomandibular Joint.  The relationship between teeth and muscle stabilizes this joint. Missing teeth, preventing the jaws from working properly, can cause an imbalance resulting in clicking and pain. Apart from stress, missing teeth can also cause us to grind and clench our teeth together.

Trevor F. Simmonds, D.D.S.

Missing Teeth? It’s time to do something for yourself! Schedule a free consultation — 973.761.4800

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Dental Implants can change your life! Call THIS number today for a FREE implants consultation:

Why Choose Dental Implants?

There are three methods of replacing teeth: Fixed Bridgework, Dentures, and Implants. What makes Implants a good choice, or the best choice? 

  1. Implants are the only restoration that makes you feel as if you have your own teeth again. You can chew and smile confidently, especially when replacing a front tooth.
  2. They stand alone and are not attached to an adjacent tooth like a fixed bridge. If something happens to the tooth beside it, fix that tooth or place another implant. If the tooth supporting a fixed bridge is damaged, the whole bridge has to be removed.
  3. The longer you are without teeth, the more bone is lost, and the less bone we have to work with.  This why Dentures loosen and no amount of Fixodent works.  Loose Dentures can be stabilized with a few well-placed implants allowing you to smile and chew confidently again. 
  4. If you cannot chew properly, your diet is restricted creating other health problems.
  5. Social confidence: As one ages, being able to go out and enjoy a meal with friends is an important social activity.  If you have many missing teeth or loose dentures, this is difficult and older people, especially, start to retreat.

How Missing Teeth Can Cause Bone Loss 

Illustration of stages of bone loss

Are Dental Implants Right for You?

Thinking of Dental Implants? Find out if you are a good candidate. Give us a call to schedule a FREE consultation. 

Certain health conditions and medications can prevent you from being a candidate for dental implants. Candidacy is determined after an oral exam, analysis and consultation with our staff Periodontist, Dr. Simmonds, who is a certified specialist in dental implants. In the event that some patients wish to go to sleep for this procedure, we work with a Dental Anesthesia Specialist. In all cases, implants require diligent oral hygiene and proper care. Our Hygienist will show you how to properly care for your dental implant to ensure they last a long time!

Restore your smile and chew with confidence! Schedule a free consultation — 973.761.4800

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